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August 16, 2024

Welcome to our newsletter, The Friday Finale! A simple, quick snapshot of information for you! Below are recent highlights of news over the past two weeks.


Links to News:

A Quarter of Employed Canadians Now Work For The Government

The Big Banks are Slashing their Interest Rate Forecasts

Wall Street has its Worst Day Since 2022 as Fears of U.S Recession Deepen

Canada's Bank Regulator Delays Standard Risk for Capital Minimums

The Green Effect Podcast!

Finance, life, business and everything in between! Brand new content with just myself gabbing away about the real estate world, personal stuff going on in my life, stories as an investor, and whatever else! Come with me on the journey inside my head.

BLOG POST: Green Thoughts

Most Recent Blog:

The Mindset Shift: Real Estate Investor vs. Homebuyer


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